Myths Related to Insect Screens for Windows and Doors

The insect screens for windows and doors are designed to cover the opening part of the window and door at homes. Such screens protect the house from flies, mosquitoes, and other flying insects. This type of protective window screen has different names like fly screen, wire mesh, big screen, or window screen. These products have several benefits, but there are some myths circulating around. Let us discuss and bust those myths related to such purposeful screens. Myth - It does not work A lot of people think that insect windows are useless installations because they do not work! Actually, it is completely wrong because these types of screens actually work. The primary job of these screens is to stop different flying insects from entering the house via windows. And, they do work. Myth – It blocks the fresh air Insect screens for doors and windows are designed in such a manner that they serve to keep insects out but do not block the airflow! People can ha...